Board of Directors
Dan White, President
David Linn, Vice President
Patricia Holmes, Treasurer
Bob Pitcher, Secretary
Bob de Feyter
Carole deRivera
Doug Moore
Hilary Hamlin
Colleen Verge
Jackie Smith
John Murphy
Terrence Donnelly
Carolyn Fowler, Emerita
Rusty Lombardo, Emeritus
Tom Purdon, Emeritus,
Honor Wall Co-Chair
Jim Woodward, Emeritus,
Honor Wall Co-Chair
Board of Directors Meetings
Members are invited to attend Board of Directors monthly meetings held the 3rd Friday of each month except July & August. Seasonally they are held at either the Proctor Ramada in Madera Canyon or at Friends in Deed in Green Valley. For upcoming time and location inquire at Most meetings last about two hours. Members may contact the President if they wish to present a subject and be placed on the agenda.
Please note: Nominations for membership to the board occur in the fall. If interested, please contact a current board member. If you would like to participate with a group of volunteers who love Madera Canyon and are dedicated to conservation through education please contact us.
Committee Coordinators
FoMC activity questions? Please contact us:
We welcome new volunteers.
Rusty Lombardo – Communications, NABUR
John Murphy – “Chatter” Newsletter
Doug Moore – Director of Education
Hillary Hamlin – Marketing
Joe and Cheryl Wolowsky – Canyon Brochure Distribution and Car Counter
Joseph MacIsaac – Volunteer Coordinator
Diana Makes – Membership, Bookkeeper, Miles and Hours
Dan White – Grants and Fundraising
Jackie Smith – Preservation and Clean-up
David Linn – GVR Hiking Club Representatives
Anita Woodward – Visitor Information Center
Carole deRivera – Music in the Canyon
David Linn – Scholarship Program
Jim Burkstrand – Technology Committee
Bob deFeyter – Canyon Preservation and Maintenance Committee
Shield Bar Marketing – Website Management