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wilderness habitat

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Conservation through Education

Friends of Madera Canyon

Madera Canyon is nestled in the northern slopes of the Santa Rita Mountain range, east of Green Valley and south of Tucson, Arizona

About the Canyon

Madera Canyon is a north-facing valley in the Santa Rita Mountains with riparian woodland along an intermittent stream, bordered by mesquite, juniper-oak woodlands, and pine forests.

Cultural History

Native Peoples lived in the Santa Rita Mountains for thousands of years, known from artifacts of O’odham tribes.

Friends of Madera Canyon

The FoMC is a 501(c)(3) volunteer organization dedicated to conserving the natural resources and restoring the habitat, trails and infastructure of Madera Canyon while educating school children and adults about the wonders of this unique place

Help Shape the Future of Madera Canyon

Your support helps preserve this special piece of our Nation's wilderness habitat

Become a Friend of Madera Canyon

Volunteer your Time or Talent

Natural Paradise Retreat

Exploring Madera Canyon

Discover the serene beauty of Madera Canyon, a haven for hiking, birdwatching, and nature enthusiasts.

Visitor Resources, Bird Checklist & Reports

A Madera Canyon Bird Checklist, Hiking information and map PDFs, and Madera Quarterly Bird Reports can be downloaded here → Resources.


Open Year Round:

Open daily from sunrise to sunset. Please plan your visits according to the season’s temperature, sunrise and sunset.


Visitor Resources, Bird Checklist & Reports

A Madera Canyon Bird Checklist, Hiking information and map PDFs, and Madera Quarterly Bird Reports can be downloaded here → Resources.


Open Year Round:

Open daily from sunrise to sunset. Please plan your visits according to the season’s temperature, sunrise and sunset.


Printed Bird Checklist and Trail Maps are available at the Proctor Visitor Information Station and at all Parking / Picnic Area Trail Heads throughout the canyon.


Madera Canyon is a renowned hotspot for bird enthusiasts. With its diverse range of avian species and the accessibility of the Proctor Accessible Trail, it’s an ideal location for birdwatching. Bring your binoculars and enjoy the captivating sights and sounds of the feathered residents.

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Family Activities

There are numerous activities in Madera Canyon that families can do as a group. These activities range from picnicking to hiking to camping to simply playing games as well as enjoying nature together.

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Exploring Nature

Immerse yourself in the rich natural beauty of Madera Canyon. The Proctor Accessible Trail provides an easy and enjoyable way to explore the area’s lush vegetation, picturesque landscapes, and serene ambiance. Take a leisurely stroll and reconnect with nature.

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If you’re an avid hiker, Madera Canyon offers exciting opportunities for hiking. Whether you’re an experienced hiker or a beginner, Madera Canyon has hiking adventures for everyone. Starting with the newly improved Proctor Accessible Trail, you can experience the thrill of hiking on easy trails or eventually much more difficult trails amidst the canyon’s natural splendor.
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The Beauty of Madera Canyon

Madera Canyon is a hidden gem in the heart of the Santa Rita Mountains of southeastern Arizona. This lush canyon is home to a wide variety of plants and animals, including towering pines, colorful wildflowers, and over 100 species of birds.

The Economics of Beauty

In a letter to Congress in 1913, the editor of Century magazine, Robert Underwood Johnson wrote:

“I am aware that in certain quarters one who contends for the practical value of natural beauty is considered a ‘crank,’ and yet the love of beauty is the most dominant trait in mankind. The moment anyone of intelligence gets enough to satisfy the primal needs of the physical man, he begins to plan for something beautiful—house, grounds, or a view of nature. Could this be capitalized in dollars, could some alchemy reveal its value, we should not hear materialists deriding lovers of nature with any effect upon legislators. Without this touch of idealism, this sense of beauty, life would only be a race for the trough.”

Fifty-five years later, Stewart Udall, an Arizona icon, said, “An increasing gross national product has become the Holy Grail, and most of the economists who are its keepers have no concern for the economics of beauty.” Neither was an enemy of capitalism. Both loved this country. Both recognized the tension between exploiting natural resources for the sake of monetary prosperity and ensuring that such exploitation did not result in the realization of John Burroughs’ worry: “We can use our scientific knowledge to poison the air, corrupt the water, blacken the face of the country or we can use it to mitigate and abolish these things. One cannot but reflect what a sucked orange the earth will be in the course of a few centuries.”

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This tension is evident in the attempt by Hudbay, a Canadian corporation, to dig a mine in one of Arizona’s geographic treasures, the Sky Island we know as the Santa Rita Mountains. The estimates made by proponents of the mine are the usual economic ones: the mine will create several hundred new jobs (though it is not clear that the jobs would go to current residents of the area), the people working in the mine will spend money in the region, buy houses, add to the tax base, as would the mine itself. Furthermore, they say, more copper is what mankind needs now because of the importance of the metal to electric vehicles. These arguments rely on estimates made by the company about the dollar impact of the mine. Also assumed is that the price of copper will never go down.

Johnson wished that we could “capitalize in dollars,” and find “some alchemy” to reveal the value of beauty; in Udall’s words, develop an economics of beauty. How, though, does one put a value on “nature’s scenic jewels,” we have in our backyard in Arizona, “containing so many and such an infinite variety of marvels… [indeed ] thousands of matchless treasures,” to paraphrase what Gilbert Grosvenor of the National Geographic wrote about America and apply it to our state? Perhaps one could calculate the dollar impact of the tourists who come to see Sky Islands, Madera Canyon, Chiricahua National Monument and other natural wonders. What is the financial impact of retirees who move to the Santa Cruz Valley in part because of the surrounding beauty? There are ways as yet untried to make financial estimates like these to counter Hudbay.

But why should one? “Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plans to protect man,” wrote Udall in 1968. To assert the economics of beauty, measured in tangible and intangible ways, is not to be a “crank.” It is to avoid a “race to the trough” by acknowledging the value of the beauty in nature that surrounds us. And prevent the earth from becoming a “sucked orange.”

Daniel E. White

Originally published in the Green Valley News, May 11, 2024, “Opinion, In My View”

Madera Canyon

The Latest News & Updates

What’s New in Madera Canyon? What’s Next?

Music in the Canyon tickets are now available starting March 5

This year Music in the Canyon will once again be held in the Canyon. The concerts will be held at the Proctor Ramada, which is located in the first turn off of the entrance to the canyon.   The concert tickets will be $35 and the concerts will start at 3:00 pm.

Our concerts will take place March 30, April 6, 13, and 27.

For more information on the music and to purchase tickets, see

The Friends of Madera Canyon held the 2025 annual meeting of the Friends membership on Saturday morning, January 25.  Some 85 attended, similar to prior years, as the Friends had invited the general public to the meeting as well as members of the organization.

FoMC President Dan White opened the program at the Desert Hills Recreation Center.  Dan recounted some of the Friends’ achievements of the past year in the Canyon, including the replacement of grills in the picnic areas, reestablishment of a program of Canyon trail maintenance, and the repair of the Visitor Information Station at the Proctor Road entrance to Madera.  He specially mentioned the assistance of Scout Troop 247, based in Sahuarita, and the close cooperation of the Friends with the U.S. Forest Service in all its efforts in the Canyon.

Dan outlined as well the Friends’ plans for the new year, including the repair or replacement of benches along the Nature Trail, continued maintenance of specific trails in the Canyon, and the engagement of a stone mason to mend steps in the picnic areas.

Rusty Lombardo, past President of the Friends and co-chairman of the Honor & Memory Wall committee, spoke on the origin and purpose of the Wall, located at Proctor Road, and its importance for the Canyon community. 

Jorge Enríquez, the new Nogales District Ranger in the Coronado National Forest, and Zach MacDonald, the District’s Recreation Officer, spoke to the meeting of the appreciation of the Forest Service with the work of the FoMC in the Forest and of the Friends’ cooperative spirit. 

Pat Holmes, FoMC Treasurer, gave a brief report to the membership, announcing that the Friends had ended 2024 within its budget and with a small surplus.  

This was followed by a report from Carole deRivera, who chairs the FoMC committee for the Music in the Canyon program, on plans for the 2025 MIC concerts, which will take place on four Sundays at the end of March and in April.  Concert tickets will go on sale around March 1.

Hilary Hamlin, chair of the Marketing Committee, reported that the Friends is once again on hand at selected regional events such as the Tubac Festival of the Arts, the Tucson Festival of Books, and the Sahuarita Spooktacular at Halloween, to educate those attending on Madera Canyon and the work of the Friends in preservation and restoration.

President White returned to the podium to request that Friends members with professional skills or certification consider volunteering with the FoMC, which can always employ specially qualified people in furtherance of its programs in the Canyon or the administration of the organization.

There followed a presentation by John Scheuring, State Conservation Chair, Arizona Native Plant Society, who spoke on the need to address invasive species in Madera Canyon, particularly a new threat to Madera’s ecosystem, Yellow Bluestem grass.  John reviewed the history of the introduction of foreign grasses to Arizona and the intensive efforts required to prevent the spread of these plants into areas – such as Madera Canyon – where they can force out native species and make wildfires much more destructive.  He said that while Yellow Bluestem has appeared in the Canyon it has not yet spread there to the point where the grass cannot still be successfully eradicated.  The effort to do so may prove to be the Friends’ major project for this new year.

John’s slides can be see in a pdf.

Summary by Bob Pitcher

Please consider joining our mailing list to receive our free newsletter. Your address is never sold or shared, and every note includes an easy link to unsubscribe.

Marketing Events:  Future events where we exhibit include:


on December 7 & 8 at Tumacacori National Historical Park 

Tubac Festival

of Arts on February 5-9, 2025 in Tubac 

Hawk Watch

 on March 15, 2025 in Tubac

Members of the Friends of Madera Canyon are invited to attend any or all Board of Directors monthly meetings. Read Canyon Chatter for more news about FoMC activities, programs and educational articles.

Canyon Chatter, February 2025→ 


Hudbay Copper World Complex

The proposed massive copper mine and sulfuric acid plant, straddling both sides of the Santa Rita Mountains, present a potential threat to the natural environment. This industrial expansion into the Green Valley/Sahuarita area could disrupt the delicate ecological balance, raising serious concerns for those who value the preservation of nature in the region.
or ScenicSantaRitas.Org

Restoration at Madera Canyon

Restoration at Madera Canyon is a 9-minute video documenting the recent and largest restoration project undertaken in Madera Canyon by the FoMC and Forest Service.

→ Restoration at Madera Canyon

News from the US Forest Service (USFS)

The USFS wants to share that the USFS Madera Canyon Recreation Guide is now available online in English and Spanish.

English | Spanish

You can navigate to them (and the other guides that have been developed) on the website by selecting Visit Us > Maps & Publications and then scrolling down to "Recreation Guides."

The USFS also created a new landing page for Madera Canyon on the Forest's website. You can find it here.

You can navigate to it on the website by selecting Visit Us > Destinations > Madera Canyon