Canyon FAQ


Where in the Canyon should I look for a trogon?

The answer varies from season to season and year to year, but they are usually not far from the creek, as they like to nest in Sycamore trees. We do sometimes see them at the lower end of the Madera Picnic area, (on the right side of the road, going up), and along the Carrie Nation Trail which is parallel to the creek for much of its length. ( This trail is a bit tough for inexperienced hikers, as it is a bit steep and rocky.) They can be seen virtually anywhere, though, on any given day.

Most reliably from the Santa Rita Lodge/Madera Picnic Area higher up into the canyon from April to early October (individuals occasionally overwinter in the canyon). In season, the preferred place to look for Elegant Trogon is the lower Carrie Nation Trail- from Mt. Wrightson RA to a just above the Wilderness boundary sign- where there are potential nesting sites in sycamore trees along the creek drainage. Trogons are regularly seen further up Carrie Nation Tr. also, but the trail becomes steeper & rocky. Check your eBird & ask at the SR Lodge for the most current sightings.

What’s a trogon sound like?

Rather like a small dog barking, but drier. The call has somewhat the same quality as the call of a Yellow-billed Cuckoo (this will make sense to eastern birdwatchers). Trogons can be very noisy, but the call tends to be ventriloquial: hard to tell where it’s coming from.

Where are the best places to find birds in the Canyon?

THE best place to see a selection of what’s in the Canyon is the bird feeders at the Lodge. It’s halfway up the road, so it gets a good mix. You can sit close to the birds as they come in; photographers love it. Next best is the Proctor Road trail, or the Madera Picnic Area just below the Lodge. In the summer, the higher trails can also be good, though they take more effort.

When should I go birding in the Canyon?

Same as anywhere else: As to time of day, first thing in the morning or later in the afternoon. This applies less to the Lodge, where the feeders can be busy even in the middle of the day. And you can hear owls and nightjars at night most anywhere in the Canyon, though which ones you hear varies by elevation. As to season of the year, migration is best, which in Madera is March through May and August through November. Winter is good at lower elevations, from the Lodge down.

Do I have to walk much to see birds in the Canyon?

No. You don’t have to walk at all at the Lodge feeders, and the Proctor Trail is paved and level. The Friends is not about to discourage hiking, however, and you’ll see more if you walk about.

Do I have to walk far to see a trogon?

If you’re lucky, maybe not. They are seen sometimes at the Madera Picnic Area. And while a trogon can sometimes be seen fairly low on the Carrie Nation Trail, there’s no guarantee, and that trail is steep and rocky in places and starts out at 5400 feet in elevation….

Where in the Canyon can I see a particular bird species?

First consult Ebird online to see if and where your target species has been seen recently. When in the Canyon, check the bulletin boards at the Proctor RA and Mt. Wrightson RA trailheads for the posted FoMC monthly bird list.

Can I use recordings in the Canyon to attract birds?

The USFS does not permit the use of bird call recordings in the Madera Canyon Recreation Area or Mt. Wrightson Wilderness. DON’T DO IT!


Will I encounter any animals when I am hiking?

Probably “yes”, depending on where you hike, the season, the time of the day, and how observant you are. Birds, deer, lizards, and squirrels are commonly seen on a daily basis. Insects like butterflies, beetles, and dragonflies are common in season. Other animals are less common, nocturnal, or not as easily observable.

Canyon Geology and Formation

How old is Madera Canyon?

A complex question with no simple answer. The Canyon as we see it can be described as 10 million years old, though parts of it are 100 million years old . See  for a good detailed history of the Santa Ritas and surrounding mountains and canyons.

How was Madera Canyon formed?

Like the previous question, the full answer is complex. The same link as above gives a very nice summary of the formation of the rocks, the mountains, and the Canyon.

What is a Sky Island?

This question is best answered by looking at a write-up on the On-Line Learning Page.


How do I get to the “Hidden Waterfall” that I’ve heard about?

There is no trail to the Hidden Waterfall and it is very dangerous to approach from Proctor Recreation Area parking. Serious erosion has damaged the hillside, and falling injuries have occurred on the steep, rocky slope. As a result, we request people not to try and find it. Actually only about 12’ high, you are not missing Niagara Falls! The falls are nearly dry much of the year and flow only picks up after rainfall (which can produce danger from flash floods!)

What is the best trail for me/us to hike on?

That depends on so many factors, such as: 

What is your hiking experience, fitness and ability?

How are you dressed today?

What time of day is it and what is the forecast?

How much water do you have?

The best advice is to talk to a volunteer at the Visitor Information Station or pick up a hiking map in any parking lot/trailhead. There are descriptions of many hikes that include information on hiking distance and difficulty. Detailed topographical signs with marked trails and features are also located at every canyon trailhead. Madera Canyon has everything from accessible paved walking trails to very difficult, long hikes. Remember: it is always best to underestimate your ability if you are not familiar with our trails!

Where can I go to have a picnic?

4 of the 5 public recreation areas in Madera Canyon are available for picnics- Proctor, White House, Madera, & Mt. Wrightson (there are no picnic facilities at Amphitheater). Picnic tables and BBQ grills are located near parking at each of these locations. The White House RA has group ramada for larger gatherings — up to 30 people or so (no advanced reservations are available). All picnic areas have nearby bear-proof trash receptacles and accessible toilets. You must bring your own charcoal; no firewood is available in the Canyon. Fires are allowed ONLY in the grills. All fires must be extinguished completely before leaving the site.