Membership & Donations
The new, renew and donate buttons take you to a secure server hosted by DonorSnap where you can use a credit card or ACH transmission with payments processed through GoEmerchant. DonorSnap provides membership services to nonprofit organizations large and small and GoEmerchant is a highly regarded credit card processing service.
Any questions, let us know at
If you prefer to help by writing a check, please make your check payable to:
Friends of Madera Canyon and mail to:
Friends of Madera Canyon
PO Box 1203,
Green Valley, AZ 85622-1203
Join or Renew Your Membership
Donate to the Friends of Madera Canyon or
Make a Memorial Contribution
Donations and Memorials can be made to the General Fund, Education Fund or Scholarship Fund.
For Memorials, please use the comment line to provide the name of the person being remembered.
Ways to Help →
Request an application →
How membership fees & donations help!
- educational programs for children and adults
- outreach to schools & community about the Canyon and its resources
- scholarships to local college students
- print/distribute thousands of maps, brochures, bird lists in the Canyon and other venues
- events, presentations, Kids Day in the Canyon, Volunteer Breakfast
- education information tables at events such as the Pecan Festival