Ways to Help
Support / Ways to Help
Membership and Donations
The Friends of Madera Canyon prides itself in getting the greatest possible conservation impact from your membership and donation. You can be confident that your gift will help protect Madera Canyon for generations to come. We rely on an alliance of donors like you who believe in the core value of conservation through education in Madera Canyon.
As a non-profit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, your donations to The Friends of Madera Canyon are tax-deductible.
Unrestricted Gifts
Restricted Gifts
These tax deductible contributions are restricted to specific Friends’ projects — for example the adult/youth education programs (Education Fund) and the annual scholarship we provide to graduating high school seniors (Scholarship Fund).
Questions? Need more information? Please contact us.
Friends of Madera Canyon
PO Box 1203, Green Valley, Arizona 85622-1203
Qualified Charitable Distributions
– a Win Win Way to Give
Changes in the tax laws have all but eliminated deductions for many. However, if you are 70 ½ years of age and have a tax deferred IRA account subject to a Required Minimum Distribution, QCDs are something you ought to consider for all your charitable giving.
A QCD is a way to give some of those tax deferred dollars to a qualified (501 (c)3) non-profit, like the Friends without paying tax on those donations as a withdrawal. At the same time, it reduces your taxable income from your RMD but counts as part of your annual RMD.
For example: Mary has a traditional IRA and has an RMD of $15,000. She decides to give $1,000 to FoMC. Your financial advisor or broker prepares a check for the same in the name of FoMC and either sends it directly to them or to you for distribution. If your former employer still matches funds, you can even double down by sending the proper form to FoMC to complete and submit.
At tax time, the RMD will show $15,000 – $1,000 (QCD) reducing her taxable income. You do not have to file and itemized return and can still use the standard deduction. Anyone who meets these requirements and is not considering a QCD is, in effect, losing part of the purchase power of each dollar equivalent to their tax bracket.
Find more information here: Investopedia.com/articles/financial-advisors/032116/how-use-qcd-rule-reduce-your-taxes.asp. Talk to your broker or financial planner for more details.
More Ways To Give
Memory Wall Plaques
Remember loved ones with plaques ‘In Memory of’ that recognize departed spouses or first order relatives — mothers, fathers, sons or daughters — who had a special recognition of this extraordinary place in their lives. The BOD committee follows operations plan criteria for ‘In Memory of’ plaques.
The fee for ‘In Memory of’ plaques of $5,000 includes engraving and continued maintenance of the wall, as well as a donation to support Friends of Madera Canyon operations, Canyon projects, and Education programs. The wall offers Proctor a beautiful and meaningful entry and introduction to Madera Canyon.
To receive an application form, contact info@friendsofmaderacanyon.org.
Honor Wall Plaques
Tribute Gifts
Gifts of Securities
Matching Gifts
In-Kind Gifts
The Friends often accept in-kind gifts, whose value (determined by you) is tax deductible. Let us know what you would like to offer in support by writing to us: info@friendsofmaderacanyon.org.